Is It Correct to Say, “Thanks So Much”? – Strategies for Parents

Thanks so much

We live in a very polite world. Despite some people thinking that we have become ruder over time, we have become more thankful and even a little exuberant in our thankfulness. This is where “Thanks so much” comes into use.

It is correct to say “Thanks so much” to show gratitude for a service someone has done for us or for something they have given us. It reflects your heartfelt reaction informally toward someone who helped you. For example, you might use it when someone gives you a gift: “Thanks so much for this; I love it!”

To learn when and why you should use “Thanks so much,” continue reading.

What Does “Thanks So Much” Mean?

“Thanks so much” is an idiomatic phrase to show gratitude and thankfulness. “Thanks” is a plural noun, and “so much” is a phrase of the adverb “so.” Combined, you use them as an expression to acknowledge something good that someone has done for you.

“So much” means “to a great extent” or “a lot,” so when you combine it with “thanks,” you are showing that you are very thankful compared to the more straightforward “Thanks.”

  • Thanks so much.
  • Thanks so much for taking my shift.
  • Thanks so much for being here.

It is also an interjection; you can use it as an aside or a quick remark. An interjection is a word or phrase you use to show emotion (source). In this case, you show gratitude.

You can also use “Thanks so much” to thank someone before they have done something for you. For example, if you ask someone for a favor and they agree to do it, you can say, “Thanks so much,” to show your gratitude for their agreement.

How Do You Use “Thanks So Much”?

You use “Thanks so much” to show how grateful you are to someone for something they have done or given you. It forms part of a conversation, although you can also write it in text forms like notes or emails.

In a sentence, “Thanks so much” is always the start of the sentence. It can stand alone or be more specific about why you are thanking the other person. It is not technically a complete clause because it lacks a subject.

When you specify what you are thankful for, use “for” followed by the object after “Thanks so much.”

As an expression, there are certain moments you should use it and specific responses that people expect. Because it is a phrase of the word “Thanks,” the reactions associated with it are similar to answers for “thanks.”

  • Thanks so much!” “You’re welcome!”
  • Thanks so much for the lovely afternoon.” “It’s a pleasure. I’m glad you enjoyed it.”
  • Thanks so much for this.” “It was nothing.”
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Compared to “thanks,” “Thanks so much” is the exuberant response showing more emotion. It comes across as someone being more grateful than your average “Thanks.”

It is always positive to thank a person for something they have done. But, unfortunately, “Please” and “Thank you” are polite expressions that have become less common over time.

When Can You Use “Thanks So Much”?

You can use “Thanks so much” in quite a few scenarios. You use it literally to show that you are grateful for something or someone. In a figurative sense, you can use it as a sarcastic term to indicate the opposite of thankfulness.

Because it is also an interjection, you can use it to disrupt the flow of conversation.

For example, imagine a scenario where you are chatting with a friend. During the conversation, they hand you a drink. Without changing the conversation, you can say, “Thanks so much,” and then continue with the original topic.

If you are using the term sarcastically, you need to indicate why you are not thankful. The most obvious way to show sarcasm is through the tone of your voice.

  • You bought me chocolate when I asked for vanilla? Thanks so much.
  • Thanks so much for coming over, even when I said I wanted to be alone.
  • Thanks so much for making dinner with cream – you know I’m lactose intolerant.

Of course, you can be more specific when being sarcastic and do not have to spell out the scenarios.

“Thanks so much” is also helpful when someone pays you a compliment. It shows positive self-esteem when someone says something nice about you, and you accept it with “Thanks so much” instead of trying to detract from the compliment.

You can also use “Thanks so much” as a note or email sign-off instead of something more formal like “Kind regards” or “Yours sincerely.” This applies when someone has done something for you or you are asking for a favor.


However, “Thanks so much” is relatively casual, so reserve it for informal situations. Semiformal situations, like those in the office, are a grey area.

You can use it if your work environment is friendly but opt instead for “Thank you very much” or similar forms in environments leaning toward more formal exchanges.

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Regardless of how formal your work environment is, it’s usually acceptable to use less formal language like “Thanks so much” between coworkers. But you should always avoid it in work emails.

When Not to Use “Thanks So Much”

You should not use “Thanks so much” when you are not grateful for something unless you are being sarcastic. Using it is also not ideal when no one has done anything for you, so it is not logical to use the phrase.

“Thanks so much” is a polite phrase, so it is not ideal to use it sarcastically as it may be hurtful to others.

While too much politeness is not generally possible, if you are someone who says “Thanks” or “Thanks so much” for everything, it is better to cease overusing the term. All overused phrases lose their impact, and the overuse of this one can quickly come across as insincere.

You should also not say “Thanks so much” at the end of an email if there is nothing that the other person has done or could potentially do for you to be thankful. It becomes a nonsensical term within that context.

Using “Thanks So Much” in a Full Sentence

When you use “Thanks so much” in a sentence, it can be a standalone expression or part of a longer sentence where you specify why you are thanking the other person.

It will generally start a sentence or come at the end of a conversation as a minor sentence.

  • Thanks so much for coming over.
  • You got me a present? Thanks so much!
  • Thanks so much for dinner; it was lovely.

Since it is an expression, “Thanks so much” can also have an exclamation mark at the end. You may be excited by the gift or service someone has given you, so you use the expression as an exclamatory sentence. For example, you might say, “Thanks so much for the flowers!”

“Thanks so much” is not the only expression of gratitude one can use. Another common one that we see is “Thanks a lot.” Similarly to “Thanks so much,” it shows a higher level of thankfulness and can also be sarcastic.

If you would like to learn more about using “Thanks a lot” correctly, read Is It Correct to Say “Thanks a Lot”?

What Can You Use Instead of “Thanks So Much”?

Instead of “Thanks so much,” you can use other expressions of gratitude, such as “I appreciate this” and “You’ve been so helpful.” You can also use other adjectives like “kind” or “caring” in place of “helpful.”

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You can also use other forms of “appreciate” by saying, “This is much appreciated,” or just “Much appreciated.” You can also make the term more reflective by saying, “I’m so thankful” or “I’m so grateful.”

One can show appreciation in several ways without using “Thanks so much” specifically. With regards to “so much,” you can use other adverbs to show the level of appreciation, such as “truly,” “greatly,” “deeply,” and “profoundly.”

  • Thanks so much for your help.
  • I truly appreciate your help.
  • I am so thankful for your help.

There are myriad ways that you can thank someone for their assistance. To read more about different phrasings, look at Is It Correct to Say “Much Thanks”?

Expressions of Gratitude as Interjections

There are several ways to express gratitude, with “Thanks so much” being one of them. An interjection is an expression one uses to express emotions, so it expresses thankfulness in this case.

There are several other expressions of gratitude, such as “I’m eternally grateful” or “I cannot thank you enough.” Both express similar ideas, and you would use them in similar situations, mainly in formal contexts. In contrast, “Thanks so much” is a relatively colloquial phrase.

Most interjections are short, like “Ow!” and “Wow!” but not all interjections have to be one word (source). The main point of the interjection is that it expresses emotion. For example, “Ow” expresses pain, while “Wow” expresses shock or awe.

Most interjections have an exclamation mark directly after them. However, they only sometimes need an exclamation mark as they can still express emotion without them, although the effect may not be as strong.

This article was written for

The shortest form of a thankful interjection is “Thanks!” However, “Thanks so much!” is more forceful and emphatic.

Final Thoughts

“Thanks so much” is a ubiquitous phrase many people use quite often. There are many spaces where the term is applicable, from thanking someone for their service to you to acknowledging a gift or compliment someone gave you.

It is entirely accurate and correct to say, “Thanks so much,” and the only thing you should be careful about is not overusing the phrase, as it loses some of its sincerity if you are always so thankful for everything.